Session 1: Lies We Believe When We Suffer
Speaker: Eric Borgstrom Series: 2022 Ekklesia: Suffering Conference
Suffering has a way of exposing what we really believe about God. Though Job walked blamelessly before the Lord, even the heart of this righteous man struggled with unbelief as his pains and miseries were multiplied. Like Job, we may understand and believe in God’s sovereign power over our circumstances, but when earthly comforts are lost and our most cherished hopes fall into ruins, it is God's goodness rather than His power that we begin to suspect. In that moment, we are tempted to believe two hellish lies: that God is the one on trial, and that all we owe Him is a grudging resignation to our fate. The truth is that what we need most are promises, not explanations. As we find rest in the promises of God's Word and learn to trust in His often unsearchable purposes, resignation gives way to repentance, we become more concerned about our sin than our suffering, and God receives the gratitude and glory that He alone deserves.