Session 2: Suffering in Our Sanctification
Speaker: Matias Buldain Series: 2022 Ekklesia: Suffering Conference Passage: Matthew 5:27–5:30
Some believe that sanctification is the result of following the right rules and practices, or of amassing enough theological knowledge. But maturity demands far more from the Christian than what we can easily do in our own strength. Sanctification is nothing less than a full-scale assault on indwelling sin that transforms the mind, the heart, and the will. It requires a high view of holiness, a willingness to take radical action such that no price is too great to pay, and a perspective that counts every loss as gain when measured against the treasure of eternal life. Just as war makes great demands upon the soldier, so sanctification calls for a life of sacrifice from the Christian. We should see suffering as more than something to be endured on our way to heaven. We must learn to embrace it as God’s wise and gracious gift to make us fit for citizenship in the Kingdom of God.